From New Interventions, Vol.7 No.2, 1996
HAVING JUST returned from the first policy conference of the Socialist Labour
Party, I can begin to decide whether the project is of any value.
I joined because I want to be part of a party that is neither pro-capitalist
in practice nor Leninist in organisation. Activity in the Labour Party through
the ’80s convinced me that Clause IV has never represented the real goal of the
Labour Party and that, at the same time, the revolutionary groups inspired
by Lenin, of both the Trotskyist and Stalinist flavour, were not organisations I
ever wanted to be part of.
A year of intense activity in support of the miners in 1984/85 showed what a
politically inspired mass working class struggle looks like and revealed the
depth and passion of the hidden political ideas of many working class people.
The SLP wasn't an immediate attraction for me. The miners are obviously
nothing like as important as they were. While I admire Arthur Scaigill's courage
and intransigence, his style seems egotistical and occasionally
authoritarian. And with friends still in the Labour Party the prospect
of being regarded as a splitter is not appealing. Nor did the prospect of a
return to election canvassing thrill me.
Several things pushed me into joining. The most important was that a
number of the activists I most respect joined, notably Dave Chapple and Glen
Burrows. The leadership of the postal workers' union branch in Bristol joined,
along with local leaders from the rail unions. I was also attracted by the
clear decision by the SLP to exclude Leninist-type groups from membership. While
I have known, liked and respected many people in Militant, the SWP and the rest,
and while I think these organisations have achieved some positive things, I do
not want to be in an organisation with them. I am glad that the SLP
founders faced this question directly and have made a clear decision. I want to
be in a party that is anti-capitalist, pro-working class and socialist. I do not
want to be in a Leninist party or in a party where factions of different
Leninist type groups battle for supremacy. Such a prospect appals me!
The final thing that decided me to join was a combination of Blair stepping
down Claire Short for suggesting cannabis could be legalised and the sight of
Scargill and Brenda Nixon campaigning in Hemsworth. Blair's value is that he has
forcefully smashed socialists' illusions in the Labour Party. But New
Labour is only new in the honesty of its leadership. The only reason to vote for
Blair is to oust the Tories.
The SLP policy conference was encouraging. Attendance was good (300), as was
the composition: working class, a lot of active trade unionists and a decent
number of women. The two workshops I attended (animal rights and transport) were
conducted in a good spirit with a high quality of contribution and no visible
sectarian dogmatism.
There are still plenty of problems. Scargill is the only crowd-puller and
media-significant figure. The tendency to hark back to Labour's betrayal is a
temptation to be resisted. There are clearly plenty of tensions possible
between, for example, the Trotskyist and Stalinist traditions.
But this is the first left party launched since the collapse of the Soviet
Union. The Trotskyist/Stalinist schism, Clause IV of the Labour Party and
Lenin's model for the revolutionary party are welded to the Soviet period of
world history. While the tradition of the dead generations weighs like a
nightmare on the brain of the living, the dynamic energy of capitalism forces us
away from previous ways of doing things.
The left has been profoundly constipated by its inability to move beyond the
Russian revolution. But we are in a new world now – material reality has changed
– the forces of production have developed.
The working class can come up with new politics and new methods of
organisations thai will have potency in the new world. The SLP is the first
chance to give this a go. It may well fail, but in my opinion there isn't much
to lose. Significant elements of the unions have joined – the bedrock of
working class organisation. Clearly some involved crave for a purified
Labour Party – others still dream of being a British Lenin or Trotsky. For me
the left needs a good crap to rid itself of the accumulated clutter of the past
and start forward with humility but enthusiasm. The SLP is a possible
opportunity and its first policy conference was a promising start.